Our lives consist of relationships, both internally with ourselves and externally with others. We cannot escape that reality, nor should we try. Relationships form the womb from which all growth begins and where the ongoing development of all persons take place. A premise I use in therapy is that we are all changed in and by relationships. My role as a therapist is to provide you with a safe, non-judgmental learning environment in which, together, we can explore the adventure of how to cultivate growth with the self and with the other.
Some clients want to be “fixed”. I do not attempt to fix you or I would already have turned myself into Mr. Perfect! What you and I can do together; however, is to engage the process of change with a view towards ongoing maturation. I want to help you uncover patterns of thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, some of which might lie outside your conscious awareness, that may have inhibited your development emotionally, socially, and/or spiritually. Exploration of the self is not easy, but with a therapist and your willingness to take the journey, there can be powerful moments of discovery, insight, and growth.
I earned a masters degree in counseling psychology, graduating in 1999. Two years later I became a Licensed Mental Health Counselor. My primary training was in existential and relational psychotherapy but over the years I have added numerous therapeutic models in my attempt to help you, the client. Also, as a bona fide senior citizen, I bring years of learning, unlearning, and relearning into the therapeutic setting.
I welcome the opportunity to be of service to you.